Florence events and things to do
Drop off your bags at a nearby storage spot and discover the best events in Florence.
Upcoming Florence events to explore
Find nearby luggage storage in Florence
No need to figure out the bag policy at your next Florence event. Grab a safe spot for your luggage and experience everything Florence has to offer.
Read the latest Florence travel guides
Florence on a budget: 7 travel hacks to save on your trip
Finding affordable lodging, looking into making your own food, going on free walking tours, and finding cheap nightlife options are all ways you can help yourself save money when you visit this gorgeous city. This guide tells you all the best ways to save money when you visit Florence.
6 easy must-do weekend trips from Florence
There's so much to see in region around Florence that if you can find the time to explore outside the city itself, you definitely should. Depending on your preference, you can explore some of the beautiful hilltop villages or head to the coast. The one guarantee is beautiful Tuscan scenery.
Is Florence safe? What you should know
Is Florence safe? Discover top safety tips and how to explore its art, streets, and culture stress-free!
Florence On a Rainy Day: 13 Things To Do
Florence is exactly the place you want to be on a rainy day! Choose what you'll do when the skies open up in Florence.
What to Eat in Florence: 12 Treats You Should Not Miss
Florence is definitely a culinary city full of delicious food. From pappa al pomodoro to gelato and Florentine steak, there are so many fantastic dishes to try on your next trip.
Best Day Trips from Florence
Although Florence itself is full of amazing things to do, the surrounding cities and towns are also exciting places to venture for the day. Here is a list of our favorite day trips from Florence.